Paris, France
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Leishmaniasis in dogs: symptoms, prevention and treatments
Leishmaniasis is a dangerous disease that can affect our dog friends. In order to…
Adopting a second cat: Tips for introducing your cat to your cat
When you decide to adopt a second cat into your home, this is…
Dog grooming: choose a salon or do it at home? 🐶💦🛁🪥
Dog grooming is a crucial step in maintaining the…
The Kishu: a loyal and protective breed of dog
The Kishu is a fascinating breed of dog that originated in…
How do cats see?
Cats are known for their expressive and mysterious eyes, but…
Japanese dog: learn more about these little-known breeds
There are several Japanese dog breeds, including: These breeds of…
Why do cats purr?
Who doesn't like hearing the soft purrs of a happy and relaxed cat...
Deworming dogs: common mistakes to avoid
Caring for our pets is an important responsibility, and…
Tips for Keeping a Clean Home with Pets
Having a pet is a rewarding experience, but it can…
The Tibetan Mastiff: Meet this little-known breed in France
The Tibetan Mastiff, also known as the Tibetan Mastiff,…