dog barking at night

Barking dog and complaint from the neighborhood, how to manage this situation?

Reading time : 4 minutes

You love your dog. He is cute, affectionate, and an important part of your family. But there's a problem: your dog barks all the time and your neighbors are starting to complain. What to do ?

In this article, we will explore the following:

  • What causes dogs to bark?
  • when does this become a problem?
  • What should you do if your neighbor complains about your dog's excessive barking?

Understanding dog barking

Dogs communicate in many ways, but primarily through barking and it can mean many things. Barking is a natural behavior that dogs use to express various emotions and intentions, such as:

  • joy,
  • excitement,
  • anxiety,
  • the fear,
  • frustration,
  • pain,
  • or even anger.

However, excessive barking can also indicate a behavioral problem.

Barking can be classified into several types.

  • THE territorial barking : they occur when dogs bark to defend their territory or warn intruders,
  • THE play barking : they occur during play, often accompanied by wagging tail movements and relaxed body behavior,
  • THE barking to get attention : they occur when dogs bark for food or attention,
  • THE barking of fear : These occur when dogs bark in response to a threat, perceived danger or when they feel alone or anxious.

Noise impact for the neighborhood?

Dogs also vary in the frequency, volume and pitch of their barks. Some breeds, like hounds, are known for their loud, sonorous barks. While others, like small companion dogs, tend to have much higher pitched barks.

big dog barking

Barking dog: when does it become a problem?

First of all, it must be said that a barking dog can very quickly become a problem when it is excessive or disruptive to the dog's environment or community. THE excessive barking may be a sign of underlying problems, such as:

  • boredom,
  • anxiety
  • or lack of socialization.
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They can then lead to complaints from neighbors or legal consequences.

Here are some common signs that a dog is barking excessively or problematically:

  • Barking for long periods of time or throughout the day and night
  • Barking in response to common or non-threatening stimuli, such as cars passing or people walking
  • Very loud barking, persistent or disruptive to neighbors or the community
  • Barking that continues even after trying to calm the dog
  • Barking that is accompanied by destructive behavior or other signs of distress

In some cases, legal consequences may arise from a dog that barks and disturbs the peace of a residence or the sleep of neighbors. Local laws and ordinances may limit the hours dogs can bark or require owners to take steps to control excessive barking.

Practical solutions against excessive dog barking

Some solutions that can help combat excessive dog barking:

  1. Identify the underlying cause : Before looking for solutions, it is important to identify the underlying cause of excessive barking. This may include problems such as boredom, anxiety, fear, or lack of exercise.
  2. Offer toys to keep the dog occupied : Dogs can bark out of boredom. Providing new toys to keep the dog occupied can help reduce excessive barking.
  3. Take the dog for more exercise : Dogs need regular exercise for their physical and mental health. Taking the dog for more exercise can help reduce excessive barking.
  4. Use training techniques : Training techniques, such as recall training, can help control excessive barking.

By identifying the underlying cause, providing toys to keep the dog occupied, increasing exercise, using training techniques, or consulting a professional, dog owners can help reduce excessive barking and improve well-being. -be their pet.

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Barking dog: consult a professional

In some cases, excessive barking can be a sign of a behavior problem most important. It is then essential for the owner to identify the underlying cause and treat it appropriately. This may involve training and behavior modification techniques, so seeking professional help from a veterinarian or a animal behaviorist may prove wise.

A dog behaviorist can actually help you identify the underlying causes of barking and offer solutions to reduce or completely eliminate barking. Your veterinarian can also advise you on what to do to remedy this problem.

The anti-bark collar or electric collar for dogs

Despite the apparent ease that these collars offer, it is imperative to take into account their ethical implications and their consequences on the health of dogs. Therefore, considering all possible alternatives before turning to this solution remains a prudent approach.

Anti-bark collars all operate on the same principle. They aim to dissuade the dog from barking by generating a negative reaction to each bark:

  • By emitting a sound,
  • By triggering an unpleasant spray,
  • Or by administering an electric shock to the dog when it barks.

However, despite its apparent effectiveness, an electric shock can cause pain and discomfort in the dog, and can lead to significant long-term behavioral problems.

Additionally, the use of anti-bark collars can be seen as a form of animal abuse. These collars are likely to cause pain and discomfort, and some dogs may become anxious or stressed while wearing such devices.

Thus, it is essential to emphasize that these devices must be used with caution and exclusively under the supervision of a professional.


Dog barking can become a problem when it is excessive or disruptive to the environment or community. Owners should identify the underlying cause and take appropriate action to address it, which can help improve the dog's well-being, reduce complaints from neighbors and restore serenity to your environment.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can barking dogs cause health problems?

Excessive barking can cause stress and anxiety, which can have health effects. Resolving the barking problem is important for the well-being of dogs and humans.

Do dogs only bark at night?

No, dogs can bark at any time of the day. Nighttime barking is often more problematic because it disrupts neighbors' sleep.

Can dogs be trained not to bark?

Yes, with proper training, dogs can learn not to bark at all or to limit excessive barking.

How can I help my dog stop barking

Identify the underlying cause of the barking and work with a professional to find solutions to reduce or eliminate the barking.

Are anti-bark collars effective?

Bark collars can be effective for some dogs, but they are not the only solution and can cause negative effects on dogs' mental and physical health. It is important to consider all options before choosing a solution.

Are anti-bark collars safe for dogs?

Anti-bark collars can cause negative effects on the mental and physical health of dogs. It is important to consider all options before choosing a solution.

Can neighbors complain about my dog barking?

Yes, neighbors can complain about your dog's excessive barking, and you are responsible for taking steps to resolve the problem.

Are dog owners responsible for their dogs barking?

Yes, dog owners are responsible for their dogs' excessive barking and should take steps to reduce or eliminate the barking.

Can dogs bark from boredom?

Yes, dogs can bark out of boredom or lack of exercise.

  • Florence

    Florence Luberton, a passionate pet lover and pet owner. Florence has dedicated her life to educating pet owners on the best ways to care for their furry companions. From training, nutrition, to grooming and behavior, she has a wealth of knowledge that she loves to share with pet owners to help them better understand their animals.

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